Fasthttp Router Middleware

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It’s possible to create a group of middlewares and use it per routes, or apply middlewares on demand.

Middleware Groups

Middleware grous allow you to create a group of meiddlewares and reuse it into many routes that you like. There is a working example of this here with its tests.

import ""

func exampleAuthFunc(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) bool { ... }
func exampleRuleFunc(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) bool { ... }
func exampleRequestHandler(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) { ... }

func main() {


  midGroupAuth = middleware.New([]middleware.Middleware{exampleAuthFunc, exampleRuleFunc})

  router := router.New()
  router.GET("/", exampleRequestHandler)
  router.GET("/protected", midGroupAuth(exampleRequestHandler))



On demand

Ondemand you just put yours middlewares per route like the example bellow. There is a working example of this here with its tests.

import ""

func exampleAuthFunc(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) bool { ... }
func exampleRuleFunc(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) bool { ... }
func exampleRequestHandler(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) { ... }

func main() {


  router := router.New()
  router.GET("/", exampleRequestHandler)
  router.GET("/protected", middleware.Apply([]middleware.Middleware{
  }, exampleRequestHandler))



Contribute Guide

Please take a look at Contribute Guide.
